I don't know if it is still right to post it here. I mean, we already know this. We know the process yet we don't do it. We give in that easily.... WHY???? because we are not that determine. That's the true fight girls, our determination. It determines how long are we going to hold on to achieve our desired weight. Why the hell we want to lose weight? To become confident, sexy, to get boys attention? Whatever your BECAUSE are, it is still about your WILLPOWER!!
This is an example of a very extreme epic way to diet......
1. Create your own protocol.
           Stick to the schedule you created and stuffs of Dos and Don'ts. Like hours of workouts and the foods  you must eat. Ignore the temptation and say YES TO DIET!!!

2. Dare to say NO.
            You're friends or every person around you is a factor affecting your diet. If they invite you to eat in fast foods or any restaurants that only offers high calorie foods, DARE TO SAY NO!!! 

3. Always remind yourself that you are in a Diet.
          It seems that FOODS around you are very seductive but please be reminded what you're goals are. It will be of help if you are going to post in your room some pictures of sexy models or your favorite celebrity or the dresses that you want to have for you to hold on.

4. Hop on scale.
          It is a big factor to know your progress. It also gives you motivation if step by step you are losing those unwanted pounds . Stay Strong!!

5. Give yourself a treat. (occasionally)
          Indulge yourself to your cravings occasionally. Your progress will not be harm if you do that sometime. 

6. Make it a routine.
          If you get what you wanted, maintain it. Make it a habit to exercise and eat right amount of foods.

9/24/2012 03:46:57 am


9/28/2012 01:11:57 am


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